Kid friendly

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Playdough in the making

I recently enrolled the kids in Early Childhood classes in our town. I remember going to them when I was little with my mom and knew that if I still had those good memories with my mother then my kids would hopefully be caring these memories with them and share them with their kids (which I don't want to think about yet).

At class last week, we received a recipe for Home Made Play dough. A little nervous at first about making it, we ventured out last evening and gathered our supplies.

The recipe is as follows:

ECFE's Favorite Playdough Recipe

2 cups boiling water
(including any food coloring)

2 Tbsp oil to boiling water
1 Tbsp powdered alum

Add Alternately:
½ Cup salt
2 Cups flour

Playdough needs to be kneaded to work out flour lumps
(Keep hot mixture away from children until cool)

We made both Orange and Red. Now the recipe doesn't say when to take the mixture off the burner, so for the Orange we left the pot on the burner but turned it off, and for the Red we removed the pot from the burner. I don't think there was much of a difference besides the red might have cooled a little faster. But there you have it. A fun activity to do with the kids!

*Note: I found my Alum at the grocery store. They had 2 different brands, 1 was $2.98 and the other was $1.09. I went with the cheaper one and it worked fine.

The Orange doesn't look orange, but it works!

-Young Schumom

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