Kid friendly

Saturday, June 26, 2010

time goes on...

Even though I am NOT-

*nine months pregnant
*finishing my last semester of school
*putting a house on the market
*trying to keep a clean “show-able” house
*working full time

I am-
*Playing mommy to two ADORABLE kids and loving every second of it

Looking back to last year, I didn't know how I was going to make it through the next day being a single mother (during the week) to one, busy, 1 ½ year old, keep a clean home, finish school, all while carring a wiggly baby. But I made it through it and have a SOLD house, a COLLEGE degree and a BABY boy.

On that note of things that have changed because of the moving time. I took my daughter who is 2 ½ to a movie this afternoon. She sat through the whole thing. I was so proud of her, not to mention how nice it was to spend mommy and daughter time.

Oh time, how I love the changing of the seasons, but sometimes, I wish you could just stop, so I could “take it all in”!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Can I hear an AMEN!

Who would have believed three months ago that last night my sweet little boy slept from 9pm to almost 8am this morning. The calls from above heard how stressed and tired I had become and finally he slept through the night without waking once. Usually I have to go in his room, find his nuk (which in itself is a challenge because I always forget to grad by glasses off my bedside table), put it back into his mouth and turn on his light show. I refuse to give him a bottle when he wakes at 3am. I feel that he is big enough to manage without a bottle every five hours. And on that note, we went from a bottle every three hours, to three bottles a day. One in the morning when he wakes up, one before nap time and one before bed time. I thank the above because we do not get assistance like we did with our daughter. So formula is out of pocket. I just picked up three cans last week, because I had a coupon of course, and it was $64. It has been quite the journey with this little man, and today he is eight months old. I just can not believe how fast time can go by. I remember when I was eight months pregnant with him and it seemed forever before I was going to see him, and before I know it he is going to be eight-teen and heading of to college. Time goes by so quickly.